Communicable Diseases and what to expect
We ask that all families carefully follow the Communicable Disease safety protocols listed below, so that everyone attending in-person lessons know exactly what level of risk they are facing.
IMPORTANT: We cannot guarantee a specific number of in-person lessons per semester. Be prepared to attend lessons both in the studio and online in your home. Our preference is for in-person lessons if possible; our first priority is health and safety for our students and the larger community.
In the event that we have to switch over to online lessons, you will need a strong internet connection (ethernet preferred), a device that can run video conferencing software such as Zoom (tablet/ipad or laptop preferred to phone), and headphones.
These are the safety requirements referenced in the Waiver and Release of Liability form that you signed with your registration materials.
PLEASE NOTE: These protocols may change. All changes will be reflected here and communicated via email. If a change is made that you are not comfortable with, we will always offer online lessons as an alternative.
What to expect from the studio space:
- While the teaching studio is part of Barbara Lieurance’s home, it is not connected to the living space. Students enter directly into the studio from a rear entrance, and there is a separate bathroom attached to the studio.
- We have installed an air-disinfecting ceiling fan, which disinfects the air through CDC endorsed UVGI (UV-C) technology . Because this is a humidity-controlled environment, we cannot open the windows to air out the room. This fan is our answer to that dilemma.
- There is ample room in the studio for the teacher and student to maintain a 6 foot distance if that is requested.
- Upon entering, students will either wash or sanitize their hands.
- At the beginning/ending of the lesson, there will be a transition moment when one family is leaving and the other arriving. Families will be asked to minimize the amount of time that everyone is together inside. We may create specific protocols for this transition as we put this into practice and find the best way to quickly transition.
Safety Requirements: Families/Student
- As of 4/15/2022 masks are by choice, with one caveat: if the student is experiencing symptoms (congestion, sore throat, cough not related to a chronic condition) they are required to wear a mask even if they have a negative COVID-19 test. The masking policy is subject to change if conditions change.
- Families agree that they will not enter the studio, and will instead request an online lesson if:
- You have a fever of 100 degrees or greater (before medication), undiagnosed rash, earache or draining ear, diarrhea or vomiting, severe sore throat, persistent or severe cough, persistent or severe headache, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle aches (not related to physical activity)
- You have not been fever-free without medication for 24 hours before your lesson, or diarrhea-free for 24 hours before your lesson.
- You have a recently positive COVID-19 test or other test (flue, etc.), or you have a pending COVID-19 test or other test prompted by illness or exposure
- You need to quarantine because of travel, or exposure to any communicable disease
- You have a diagnosis of a communicable disease. For example: chicken pox, COVID-19, flu, measles, mono, strep throat, lice, pink eye, impetigo, mono, strep throat, scabies
- Families/student will minimize the number of people attending lessons.
Safety Requirements: Teachers
- Teachers will be fully vaccinated.
- Teachers will clean the keyboards and other frequently touched surfaces between lessons. Most likely this will happen at the beginning of the lesson as the student is washing their hands.
- As of 4/15/2022 masks are by choice, but the teacher will happily mask if requested by the students’ family. The masking policy is subject to change if conditions change.
- Teachers agree that they will notify students and offer an online lesson if:
- They have a fever of 100 degrees or greater (before medication), undiagnosed rash, earache or draining ear, diarrhea or vomiting, severe sore throat, persistent or severe cough, persistent or severe headache, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle aches (not related to physical activity)
- They have not been fever-free without medication for 24 hours before your lesson, or diarrhea-free for 24 hours before your lesson.
- They have a recently positive COVID-19 test or other test (flue, etc.), or have a pending COVID-19 test or other test prompted by illness or exposure
- They need to quarantine because of travel, or exposure to any communicable disease
- They have a diagnosis of a communicable disease. For example: chicken pox, COVID-19, flu, measles, mono, strep throat, lice, pink eye, impetigo, mono, strep throat, scabies.
Switching Formats, Student Absences, and Teacher Absences
Switching from in-person lessons to online lessons:
- We strongly discourage last minute switches to the online lesson format for non-health based reasons.
- The online format is required if you have symptoms of illness but are well enough for a lesson. If you are feeling under the weather, please request an online lesson. We encourage you to err on the side of caution!
Makeups for student absences: We do not offer makeup lessons for student absences. This policy applies to all missed lessons, regardless of the cause or the number of lessons missed, and it applies to online and in-person lessons.
Makeups for teacher absences: We do make up teacher absences. There are extra weeks built into the calendar to allow for easy scheduling.